• namaste@putali-nepal.com
  • 9823349440 / 9823512199
Join Us

Be a Part of Putali Nepal Family

  • Partners (You seek to share your work with us for a common purpose)
  • Collaboration (You seek to grow  together with us via resource sharing for a common purpose)
  • Volunteer (You are interested to  contributing to the society together with us)
  • Internship (You want to grow professionally with us and use your values for a greater good)
  • Fellow (You want to enhance your potential and skill from our fellowship program)

Why Work with us ?

  • Revolutionizing the purpose of education
  • Pioneers in introducing Sustainable Menstrual Products
  • Peer based learning opportunities
  • Community Centric
  • Children friendly
  • Inclusivity
  • 7 years of work experience
  • Youth led and run
  • Platform to execute your creativity
  • Platform to showcase your passion
  • LGBTIQ friendly
  • Constant guidance and mentorship
  • Intergenerational equality
  • International presence and networking exposure

Please fill up the form below and send it to us.