• namaste@putali-nepal.com
  • 9823349440 / 9823512199


Our Menstrupedia Comic Training

  • introduces periods and puberty to girls and boys in a sensitive way
  • makes students review learnt content by having access to the comic in the library after the training
  • is a one-hour session – perfect for schools
  • is conducted by trainers who love to teach in an entertaining way

The Menstrupedia training is a sensitive way to introduce especially younger students (boys and girls in separate groups) to the topics of puberty and periods. This one-hour introductory session is meant to explain the basics regarding growing up, right nutrition during puberty, periods and maintaining menstrual hygiene. The recommended age to participate in this training is from 9 years onwards. We work with the “Hello Periods”-video for this training, which is an entertaining and age-appropriate resource.


We are always glad to collaborate for our training programs. However, we do recommend our collaborators to reach out to us 3 weeks prior to the training and help us with managing the venue as well as the logistics (particularly, projector and laptop) for smooth functioning of the training.